
Growing Leaders of Tomorrow

Growing Leaders of Tomorrow

At Berkeley, 从学生入学的第一天起,我们就坚定地致力于培养品格领袖. Our early childhood program places pervasive, intentional focus on decision-making, collaboration, and ‘being one’s Berkeley Best.’ Regardless of their entry point, 我们所照顾的孩子被教导要成为好公民, make brave choices, 并了解他们的行为对他人的影响. As students develop, 他们被鼓励去冒险和“从失败中前进”,并且在任何时候都要遵守纪律, diligence, and integrity.
棋牌游戏平台为培养领导能力提供了无数的机会(课堂内外都有), and students relish these offerings. 培养领导力的特质和特征——包括激情, commitment, optimism, positive energy, kindness, respect, a desire for excellence, courage, 以及同理心与他人交流的能力, in fact, our core cultural norms, 这也是我们对每个学生的期望.
In Middle and Upper Divisions, 学生有机会担任社团领袖, Student Forum leaders, team captains, Spiritual Life leaders, 我们各种表演艺术团体的领导, and more. 所有的学生都被要求理解他们为集体做出贡献的责任, we are the community we create), 同时对世界产生积极的影响.
Berkeley’s configuration as a pre-K through 12th grade school on one campus copiously supports our work in leadership development; our older students are inspired to work with and be role models for our younger ones. 因此,这种纵向整合是我们学校的标志, 学校的骄傲和学校精神遍布我们86英亩的校园.
As our students move through high school, the chances to lead increase significantly, 我们提供各种培训,以确保他们的成功. For instance, 学生运动员领导力项目帮助校队队长应对领导团队的挑战, 棋牌游戏平台领导学院(LAB)是所有希望在大四期间担任校园领导职位的学生的必修课. LAB课程包括课堂和体验两部分, 促使学生审视自己的长处,并认识到自己有能力引导他人向善.
Berkeley Preparatory School: growing leaders of impact; growing leaders of integrity; growing leaders of character.
Founded in 1960, Berkeley is an independent, Episcopal, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.